Page break lyx
Page break lyx

Yet more difficult: if a section ends mid-page, there will actually be two page headings on that sheet-one for the section/chapter that just ended and another at the beginning of the new section/chapter. Perhaps it would be helpful to think of this as a story composed of several chapters: in addition to identifying the translation that appears in each column on every page, the section of the document (chapter) should be identified on each page as well. Furthermore, some additional headings should appear on each page: those headings should contain 1) an identifier for each of my two columns, and 2) a heading that spans both columns and that identifies which section of the document appears on that page. On most pages of the document there should also appear two columns of parallel text (the exception being occasional pages where one of the two translations I'd like to use is not available to me). I've accomplished that with the fancyhead package. The document (\documentclass) to have a heading that tells what the name of this document is and where the page number will also appear. > Editing > Shortcuts.I'm having another go at learning latex having dabbled with it just a bit many years ago. Have a chance of remembering, you can map it to "newline-insert newline" Regarding the key mapping, if you can find an unused key combo that you Where the right column is empty in the first row. (where the right column contained the equal signs and integers) became Toward the middle of the left side of the long equation and inserted aīreak (using Ctrl-Enter - I'll get to the Mac part in a minute), itīroke the equation and inserted a new row. I just created an align environment with two equations, the left side of > Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently break the equation instead of creating a new row. These two commands in LyX are mapped as Insert -> Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line Break, respectively but invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my equation has exactly the same effect: adding a row to the align matrix (above the row where the cursor is.) When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to a non-align display equation a similar thing happens except now the non-align equation is converted to an align equation with a blank new row _below_ the original equation. When I do Command-Enter in my equation, which is unfortunately inside a align environment, it instead adds a row to the matrix that represents the align environment. Usually this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. If that doesn't achieve what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example and a specification of what the output should look like. > I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will break it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). > How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it works. (If you look at the code you’ll see the obvious places to add the lines.) > Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an aligned environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu system.) This is causing things to look even worse, even though I added two “aligned” lines to the referenced code block. It is recommended you fix the cause of the external program's error (check the logs)." (That’s a tentative analysis of the problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me a chance to abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The external program pdflatex finished with an error. > First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX code that appears between \begin or if I try to use the trick twice in the same document. > but today I have some problems with it.

page break lyx

> I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this page: I’ve studied multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to get anything to work. > I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations.

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page break lyx

How to break long equations with LyX Paul A.

Page break lyx