We are proud to be a renowned Traxxas retailer, and we would love to share our knowledge of models, parts, accessories, and upgrades with you. If you have questions about E-Revo models or their parts, please get in touch with the RC Superstore. Whether you are a new or experienced RC pilot, chances are that the E-Revo 1/16 line from Traxxas will feel just right. RC Superstore provides cars with extreme creativity in design and engineering. Learn More About Traxxas E-Revo 1/16 Models From RC Superstore My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons Refer & Get US10 0. Related Searches: Shipping to: Language: Currency: Hello Sign in Join. Each Titan 550 motor comes with two leads and connectors for each of its two capacitors. Buy the best and latest e revo 1 16 on offer the quality e revo 1 16 on sale with worldwide free shipping. If you want to get more nimble performance from your E-Revo 1/16, the Titan 550 will very likely impress you with its integrated cooling fan, maintenance-free functionality, and smooth power output. This is the electric motor that is included in popular Traxxas models such as the Rustler and the Stampede. With a nice range of body shells available, which include trophy trucks and stylish SUVs, you will not have any problems transforming the look of your models. You will not have to spend much on body clips for the E-Revo 1/16 line we recommend that you get a few 12-packs in your tool kit so that you can replace them on the spot if needed. You can think of this monster truck as a starter kit that happens to pack the most powerful motor for 1/16 models plus, you also get the controller, battery pack, and charger. The low entry price makes this E-Revo very attractive, but there is also the Ready-to-Race (RTR) factor, which means that you will find everything you need to start having fun in the box. This model is great for RC pilots who are new to monster trucks. Let’s take a look at some of the E-Revo 1/16 models and parts in our catalog: E-Revo Brushed 4WD Monster Truck In terms of models and parts, everything is the same as in the 1/10 line.Įven though models at the 1/16 scale are often called “minis,” they still pack a lot of power, speed, and performance. When you pilot 1/16 models, you do not lose any of the fun and excitement you get with the original E-Revo 1/10 in fact, the lower scale and lighter models make the RC piloting experience feel more nimble. Traxxas scored a major hit when it introduced a smaller E-Revo scale. Moreover, Traxxas made these models even more enticing with a full line of upgrades and interchangeable parts. They would show the highest level of creativity in terms of design. The original E-Revo trucks and buggies offered rugged performance, power, speed, and waterproof fun at a scale which pilots could use with ease. Traxxas is the reason monster trucks are among the most popular models of the RC hobby their 1/10 line of electronic models set the stage for off-road championships, and it also prompted pilots to become more involved in the hobby.

All i want is an electric car that can go 35 mph, have good torque and traction for climbing things, and have good battery life.As one of the most respected names in the RC world, Traxxas is constantly raising the bar in terms of innovation. The only problem i see is they seem to small to me. i also think its awsome to see them on lipo batteries. i love the option for parrallel or series and love that its 4 wheel drive. But then i was looking at the e revo 1 16th scale truck and fell in love. then i could get a nice 7 cell high mah batterry for it. it loks like i can get a vxl esc and motor for about 150.

I was thinking about modifying this rustler so i started doing research. It has decent torque for me but the top end is severly lacking. i like the truck but the runtime is too short( 9 minutes) and it is far too slow. Currently i am running a new 1800 mah 6 cell battery( my ez start battery) for the time being. He gave it to me for free and its pretty much brand new. plus sometimes i just dont feel like buying nitro :( I recently got a rustler from a freind which is the model with the stinger motor.

I really enjoy this truck but sometimes i just wanto to cruise around with an electric car like in a public park or even in my house to chase around the dog. I have ran thorugh about three engines and have made small changes here and there but nothing major. I have owned a tmaxx for i think 6 or 7 years now.